Coral Springs Montessori School Story...
Coral Springs Montessori School has been around since 1991. Coral Springs Montessori School utilizes the philosophy and methodology Montessori Method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900’s. Dr. Montessori gave the world a scientific method, practical and tested, for bringing forth the very best in young human beings. She taught adults how to respect individual differences, and to emphasize social interaction and the education of the whole personality rather than the teaching of a specific body of knowledge.
Our Montessori early leaning leaders are extensively trained and certified on the use and purpose of each Montessori lesson across our Montessori curriculum. Montessori teachers learn how to educate the whole child by developing their individual child to create a learning triangle. Our Montessori classrooms are prepared by the teacher to encourage independence, freedom within limits, and a sense of order. The child, through individual choice, makes use of what the environment offers to develop him, interacting with the teacher when support and/or guidance are needed.
Coral Springs Montessori School strives to achieve a high standard of excellence using the principles of the Montessori education method. Our Montessori classrooms are divided in a special way so that the children are encouraged to develop in the following areas: Language, Math, Geography, Science, Art, Practical Life, and Sensorial.

Educators have the ability to motivate, through their states of mind, activities, and even through the lessons or exercises they connect with understudies in. Albeit all educators have this potential, just some emerge in our brains as really awesome and committed instructors. There are numerous characteristics of an incredible and devoted instructor; be that as it may, there is one basic quality which every single awesome educator have—an unwavering energy for their work. In this paper I will utilize the expressions "incredible" and "devoted" compatible, in light of the fact that an extraordinary instructor is a committed educator and a committed instructor will be an awesome instructor. An incredible educator ought to have the fundamental charge over the topic her or she instructs.
Order plays a very important part in the lives of young children. Order consists in recognizing the place for each object in relation to its environment and in remembering where each thing should be. Such awareness is essential for a child to feel secure within its environment and to build on existing experiences. Order in the environment makes children feel safe and that they know how things should be. Great emphasis is therefore put on order within the Montessori classroom. By ensuring that everything has its place, and that the environment is designed to be as accessible as possible for children to work in, they can then be given the maximum freedom to move and develop..
Montessori called her educators Directresses in light of the fact that she felt that they delicately guided, as opposed to controlled, the children exercises. She asked that they be a greater number of analysts than educators and considered that achievement lay in the progressing way of the instructors own self-improvement and in addition on the affectability of the perceptions of individual youngsters. Eventually she saw their part as less to instruct the kids as to direct the characteristic energies that they saw developing. Our educators Directresses are all certified Montessori from AMS.
As we watch our Montessori children investigate the world we are filled by the longing to support this procedure however we are likewise struck by the nature to secure our minimal ones. These double parts - of empowering development while giving security - are the very establishment of what we consider as the undertaking of the guardian or the minding grown-up in a kid's life. Montessori Child plans to help you with these parts by helping you source moving, connecting with materials. We follow state standards as well as the Montessori accreditation through AMS.