Early Education Programs
Coral Springs Montessori School places children based upon age and (more importantly) skill levels. Please view the doors below to find out what each colored door requires from our students.

Toddlers - Blue Door
Age Group: 18 months - 2 1/2 year
Toddlers need to take an interest completely in their general public. They need to test themselves and perform critical, significant exercises. This phase of life a kid starts to ace equalization,coordination, and thinking abilities. Their encounters develop the base of their identity and establish the framework for the grownup they will get to be. Classrooms have everything specially measured for little children empowering full investigation and support. They are intended to challenge the kid yet permit him to learn and succeed all alone. This prompts incredible internal security, high selfregard, a positive mental self-portrait and solid propensities for focus.

Preschool - Yellow Door
Age Group: 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 yrs
Preschoolers pick their work from among self-rectifying materials showed on open racks, and they work in 5 very much characterized, particular zones. Over a time-frame, the kids form into a "standardized group," achieving an abnormal state of focus with couple of intrusions.Maria Montessori alluded to "standardization" as the procedure through which the tyke advances, from being undisciplined to self-taught; from disarranged to requested; from diverted to center. This is accomplished by working in a particularly arranged environment, and with rehashed utilization of materials that dazzle the youngster's consideration. Our thorough Curriculum plans to help the kid to build up his identity in an indispensable way.

Kindergartner - Green & Red Door
Age Group: 3 /1/2 - 6 year
Red Door and Green Door are the older classrooms with an age range of 3.3 through Kindergarten. Children must be toilet trained before starting in Red or Green Door. We encourage a 5 day a week schedule, as the emphasis on academics is increased at this level. In addition to the academics, these classes also enjoy music and movement, arts and crafts, and outdoor play.Kindergarten children and children participating in the Florida Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) program must attend 5 days a week. Half-day and full-day schedules are offered. The full-day 3 year old's nap after lunch.